Pipsie, Nature Detective: The Disappearing Caterpillar by Rick DeDonato and illustrated by me is out in the world now! Pipsie is published by the amazing team at Two Lions Publishing.
I’m really excited since Pipsie is the result of years of hard work by many people behind the scenes. If you see Pipsie in the wild I hope you enjoy it just as much I loved illustrating her.
Here are some fun behind the scenes stuff for Pipsie.
The character design went through MANY iterations.
First character design ideas for Pipsie. I really liked the lab coat but it didn’t really convey nature detective. |
Exploring Pipsie’s hairstyles. |
Accessorizing Pipsie’s outfit. |
Getting closer to the final Pipsie look. |
The final Pipsie! |
This is what my work space looked like while I was finishing up Pipsie.
To find out more about Pipsie, visit her website. There are a lot of activity sheets for you to enjoy.
You can also see Pipsie information on her Facebook page.
Places to buy the book.
Barnes & Noble